Blvck Svm

Hip Hop / Jazz Rap

West Palm Beach, Florida

2020 was quite the year for artists. Some hibernated, others used it as a chance to grow, step out, and record. Blvck Svm took the time to release bi-weekly singles. The now-Chicago resident and former U of Chicago student studying critical race and ethnic studies says “quarantine really pushed me to the brink and it worked.” And with that mindset and the critical thinking he brings to his music, Svm (pronounced Sam) started to get noticed. Now in 2023, we catch Blvck Svm touring and hitting 1200 - 1500 cap rooms, on his way to bigger and better things. 2022’s EP, mangalica mink, is a great place to start, and then dig back to “Gristle” and some of his 2020 and 2021 singles. And wait for what is to come for the remainder of 2023 and into 2024.



